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Types of insurance


Make sure you get the right insurance to meet your needs. Your needs may change over time.

You want to make sure you have enough coverage to protect you against financial loss if something unexpected happens.

For example:

· Car insurance is mandatory and could pay the cost of repairs to your vehicle

· Credit and loan insurance, including credit card balance insurance could cover all or part of the amount you owe on a loan, lines of credit, mortgage and credit card if you get sick, die, lose your job or there’s an accident or illness that leaves you disabled

· Disability insurance​ could replace a portion of your income if you're no longer able to work due to an accident or illness that leaves you disabled

· Home insurance ​could cover the cost of repairs to your home if there is damage to your house.

· Health insurance could help you cover costs that aren't covered by your basic provincial or territorial health plan

· Life insurance could provide your family with money to support themselves when you die

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